We’re partnered with thousands of primary schools across the UK. Together, we’re able to simplify school life, giving you greater freedom to focus on what really matters: your students’ education.
We know that running a secondary school is anything but stress-free. Let us help you to make your jobs easier with our comprehensive suite of money-saving modules.
As a trusted supplier for over 70% of UK trusts, we’re here every step of the way to help you centralise your school’s finances, create detailed financial reports, and save on admin time.
We’re here to help Local Authorities with our scalable solution that grows to meet the ever-evolving needs of your schools.
We want to help you take care of onerous admin processes, cut costs and provide easy payments across all school items, from uniforms to music lessons.
Our cashless and paperless meal management system. Trusted by schools throughout the UK to offer flexibility, transparency and peace of mind whilst fully integrating with most cashless till providers.